Age-Based Portfolios

The Age-Based Portfolios are professionally managed and automatically adjust as the beneficiary gets closer to college age. Starting with more equity or growth type investments in the early years and adjusting to more fixed income and cash allocations as the beneficiary approaches college age.

The Age-Based Portfolios are popular with college savers looking for professionally managed portfolios requiring minimal work on their part. These portfolios allow you to select the investment style and risk comfort level that best fits your goals and risk tolerance.

The three Age-Based Options include a conservative, moderate, or aggressive strategy. To provide additional diversity and choice you will also have the availability to select between an Index Strategy that utilizes Vanguard funds or a Multi-Firm Strategy that utilizes multiple fund families including T. Rowe Price, DFA, Vanguard, Dodge & Cox, and other quality fund families.

Index Investment Options

Vanguard Funds

Our Index Investment Strategy utilizes Vanguard funds that adjust based on your beneficiary's age and your investment style. With the index approach the portfolios utilize exclusively passive or index investing.

Click on the individual portfolios to see underlying investment information including:

  • Fact Sheet
  • Prospectus
  • Annual Report





Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 0-2
276Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 0-2
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 3-5
317Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 3-5
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 6-8
320Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 6-8
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 9-10
323Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 9-10
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 11-12
324Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 11-12
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 13-14
325Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 13-14
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 15-16
335Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 15-16
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 17-18
336Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 17-18
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 19+
337Aggressive Age-Based (Index Strategy) 19+





Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 0-2
338Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 0-2
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 3-5
353Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 3-5
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 6-8
354Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 6-8
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 9-10
355Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 9-10
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 11-12
373Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 11-12
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 13-14
374Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 13-14
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 15-16
375Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 15-16
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 17-18
376Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 17-18
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 19+
377Moderate Age-Based (Index Strategy) 19+





Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 0-2
400Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 0-2
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 3-5
401Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 3-5
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 6-8
402Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 6-8
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 9-10
403Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 9-10
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 11-12
404Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 11-12
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 13-14
405Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 13-14
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 15-16
406Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 15-16
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 17-18
408Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 17-18
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 19+
409Conservative Age-Based (Index Strategy) 19+

Multi-Firm Investment Options

Multi-Firm Strategy

Our Multi-Firm Strategy utilizes multiple fund families, including T. Rowe Price, Vanguard, DFA, Dodge & Cox, and others. With the multi-firm approach the portfolios utilize active management along with passive or index investing.

Click on the individual portfolios to see underlying investment information including:

  • Fact Sheet
  • Prospectus
  • Annual Report





Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 0-2
305Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 0-2
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 3-5
306Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 3-5
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 6-8
308Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 6-8
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 9-10
309Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 9-10
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 11-12
310Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 11-12
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 13-14
312Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 13-14
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 15-16
313Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 15-16
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 17-18
315Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 17-18
Aggressive Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 19+
318Aggressive Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 19+





Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 0-2
326Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 0-2
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 3-5
327Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 3-5
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 6-8
328Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 6-8
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 9-10
329Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 9-10
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 11-12
330Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 11-12
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 13-14
331Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 13-14
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 15-16
332Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 15-16
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 17-18
333Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 17-18
Moderate Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 19+
334Moderate Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 19+





Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 0-2
339Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 0-2
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 3-5
340Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 3-5
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 6-8
342Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 6-8
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 9-10
343Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 9-10
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 11-12
344Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 11-12
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 13-14
345Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 13-14
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 15-16
346Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 15-16
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 17-18
348Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 17-18
Conservative Portfolio with Age of Beneficiary as 19+
349Conservative Age-Based (Multi-Firm Strategy) 19+

A word about risk: Keep in mind that you can lose money by investing in a portfolio. Each of the Age-Based, Target, and Individual Fund Portfolios involves investment risks, which are described in the Program Disclosure Statement and should be considered before investing. For example, international investing, especially in emerging markets, has additional risks such as currency fluctuation, economic and political risks, and market volatility. Investing in small, medium, and international companies may increase the risk of fluctuations in the value of your investment and involves greater risks than investing in more established companies. Portfolios that invest in specific industries or sectors, such as real estate, have industry concentration risk. As an example, the portfolios that invest in real estate may perform poorly during a downturn in the real estate industry.

Portfolios that invest in bonds are subject to risks such as interest rate risk, credit risk, and inflation risk. In particular, as interest rates rise, the prices of bonds will generally fall, which can impact performance. It is important to note that the value of your account will fluctuate with market conditions. When you withdraw funds, you may have more or less than your actual investment. For more information on the portfolios and the underlying funds in which they invest, see the Program Disclosure Statement.